Plan miasta Jodrell Bank

Jodrell Bank - Najnowsze wiadomości:

October 27th: A Life in Astronomy

Well that was an attempt by Jodrell Bank, Sir Bernard Lovell, with the new 250 foot radio telescope near Manchester at Jodrell Bank and we had an antenna which made it marginally possible, and so we had our antenna pointed at the ... I'm tempted to flog off real estate blocks on it. Rocky foundations, excellent view of Jupiter etc, etc, etc. Richard Saunders I bet you would like to visit, to go and visit. We could arrange something with NASA what would be fascinating. ...
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Turks & Caicos Nominated for World Heritage Status | Coldwell ...

Other sites are the Lake District, the Forth rail bridge, Jodrell Bank observatory in Cheshire, and St Helena in the South Atlantic. Announcing the list, Tourism and Heritage Minister John Penrose said: ?Few places in the world can ...
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UK nominates 11 sites for Unesco world heritage status ...

... including the slate industry of north Wales with its spectacular shale heaps still bearing witness to the days when Welsh slate roofed half the world, the Jodrell Bank observatory in Cheshire, Scotland's beautiful Flow Country, ...
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